How to determine whether a knife gate valve is durable and reliable?

Material quality:
The material of gate valves has a crucial impact on their durability. Common gate valve materials include cast iron, ductile iron, carbon steel, and stainless steel. Stainless steel gate valves have excellent corrosion and high temperature resistance, suitable for high-pressure, high-temperature, and highly corrosive media, but their prices are relatively high. Carbon steel gate valves also have good strength and corrosion resistance, but require anti-corrosion treatment. Cast iron and ductile iron gate valves are suitable for different working environments and media. When selecting, the most suitable material should be selected based on the specific usage environment and medium properties.
Sealing performance:
The sealing performance of knife gate valves is an important indicator for judging their reliability. The sealing performance of the valve can be verified through sealing tests. In the experiment, close the valve and apply a certain amount of pressure to observe whether there is any leakage in the valve. If the valve can maintain good sealing performance, it indicates that its reliability is high.
Strength and durability:
The strength and durability of knife gate valves are also key factors in evaluating their reliability. Strength testing can verify the pressure resistance performance of valves. Generally speaking, the pressure for strength testing should be 1.5 times the design pressure and maintained for a period of time (such as more than 10 minutes) to verify whether the valve can withstand the rated pressure without leakage or deformation. In addition, durability testing can simulate the wear and tear during actual use by opening and closing the valve multiple times, observing whether the valve operates smoothly and whether there are any abnormal sounds, in order to determine its service life and stability.
Manufacturing process and quality control:
The manufacturing process and quality control of gate valves also have a significant impact on their durability. High quality gate valve products usually adopt advanced manufacturing processes and strict quality control standards to ensure the stability and durability of the products. When making a purchase, it is possible to understand the manufacturer’s production process, quality management system, and product certification status to evaluate their manufacturing process and quality control level.
User feedback and after-sales service:
Finally, user feedback and after-sales service are also important reference criteria for judging the durability and reliability of gate valves. You can refer to the reviews and usage experience of other users to understand the actual performance of the product. Meanwhile, choosing manufacturers who provide comprehensive after-sales service can ensure timely technical support and maintenance services during use, thereby extending the service life of gate valves and improving reliability.
In summary, by considering material quality, sealing performance, strength and durability, manufacturing process and quality control, as well as user feedback and after-sales service, it is possible to comprehensively judge whether a knife gate valve is durable and reliable.